Newsletter februari 2022


Issues in this month’s edition are:

  • Preface

  • Preview month February

  • Important energies

  • Hope (painting George Frederic Watts)

  • Astrology and astronomy in daily practice

  • The spiritual meaning of the hummingbird

  • Venus retrogrades, evaluation of values

  • Wisdom of Lao Tse


In different meanings we could have the opinion we have left dark times behind.

Often, we like these dark days around Christmas, but unfortunately for some of us, these weeks offered a challenge in loneliness.

The contribution of Eleonore Oldenburger (see further in this edition) about the painting of George Frederic Watts gives the impression that is very recognizable to me and reminds me to this difficult period.

I often wondered why and suddenly got a snapshot of an experience from childhood, where we gathered around a Christmas tree with many real candles and the warmth of the light that came over us. I still feel this experience as very worthwhile and wonderful.

This warmth I have missed this time due to quarantine restrictions and I suppose, not to have been the only one.

In our world many things are material, are issues related to control of our lives, and future and love and compassion as symbolized by the Christmas child are far away.

What is our life meant for? Is this a unique event and experience?

What are we supposed to be? Body and soul as soon as we are born?

Or in the first place soul, having to experience for a while in our unique once in a time body?

When I write this, we are almost at the end of the Venus retrograde period.

Venus retrograde is supposed to bring us energies that help us to question value systems in our lives and help us to find out what is really of importance for us and for the soul.

I hope many will have felt the energy and have used this to become more aware of the importance of this question and have found the inspiration to get answers.

This helps us to transform our lives and to live for what is really felt as important.

I wish you many beautiful insights guiding you on your path to destination. Have a thoughtful walk on it.

Preview for the month February

This month we will see a continuation of the positive changes in energy already started in January.

We will hardly have to cope with dynamic planetary aspects, so on a global level we should not expect a very remarkable month. For some personal situations it might be different.

When on February 4th Mercury stations and turns direct again, all planets are direct and exposing their full energetical potential to earth. That day’s energy can be felt somewhat mixed-up.

We have a trend for re-orientation, together with abundance and restrain.

The New Moon on February 1st on the 7th degree of Aquarius is under the influence of innovation.

The New Moon makes a square with Uranus, a suitable energy to expect unexpected and important new (Eureka) insights.

The symbol of this degree is: “a barometer”.

It symbolizes our capability to discover fundamental physical facts helping us to improve our “planning skills”.

The energy is about the talent of anticipation, nature already knows in many aspects. Mankind should use the opportunity to learn from this; to be prepared just in time for future changes and challenges. Nature already has these talents in contradiction to mankind.

About February 8th we could use helpful energies to be able to realize these new insights.

About February 11th we can be informed about power games and related structures and people.

It helps us to get insight in what to do for a better future.

When on February 14th, Mercury re-enters Aquarius, our ideas and thoughts become more complex, and ingenious. We can expect many new insights.

The Full Moon on February 16th makes us long for warmth and luxury.

As Venus and Mars mutually are in conjunction on the 17th degree of Capricorn, we will look for possibilities to escape from our limitations. The energy remains full of inspiration and helpful to heal.

This will be strengthened on February 18th when the Sun enters Pisces.

We get more influence from the inconceivable and higher ideals.

Become aware of the timelessness and limitedness dimensions of potential.

Unfortunately, also for betrayal and possible loose of contact with the self.

About February 23rd the energy is very supporting to work on your ideals.

A few days afterwards, our mental sharpness lives up and as a result we can have special mental discoveries.


The astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar

Important energies

In the month February, the following important energies will occur. They will be the explanation for significant events during this month. Time used is GMT.

1 New Moon (06.46) on Aquarius 12.20

4 Mercury station turns direct (05.13), all planet direct, Mars sextile Jupiter,

Sun conjunction Saturn

8 Mars trine Uranus

11 Mercury conjunction Pluto

14 Mercury enters Aquarius (22.53)

16 Venus conjunction Mars, Full Moon (17.56)

18 Jupiter sextile Uranus, Sun enters Pisces (17.43)

23 Mars sextile Neptune

24 Venus sextile Neptune

25 Mercury square Uranus

painting ‘Hope’ George Frederic Watts. (1886)

The Star is already for many centuries a token of hope, and the fixed stars illuminating the nocturn skies are considered to be a symbol of the cosmic order.

This is because of their orbit around the Polar star and the presence of the light from above.

The star from Bethlehem, guiding Caspar, Balthasar and Melchior to the newborn Christ was presented in an octagonal shape.

The saying: “to be born under a beneficial star” goes back to the popular astrological views, as e.g., someone’s star that is rising or fading away.

The painting shows a globe with a woman figure on it, representing a symbol of Hope.

It is one of Watt’s most famous paintings. It was used to make many reproductions out of.

Many spectators were struck by the emotional impact. On the painting, Watts’ Hope is symbolized by the young woman, sitting with bended head on the globe.

What did Watts try to tell us with this isolated, barefooted, and blindfolded young lady.

She makes a desperate impression, so why the title Hope? The blue gray background gives a melancholic sphere.

A critic remarked that the painting had the objective to remind to a feeling of Hope.

To underline Watts had added a small, tiny star at the background high above the girl to symbolize Hope.

The girl bends her head to hear the last sound from the last string from the almost completely devasted instrument. This last string symbolizing Hope is almost broken.

This lyre helping her to play the music of the spheres shows the last string that can be used.

As soon as it breaks down all Hope will be lost. But still there is hope.

Watts seems to appeal to our pity and empathic talents.

We should remark the fragility of the girl, be struck by it, causing us to have more pity and compassion on all suppressed people.

Watts was a master in the so-called group of Pre-Raphaelites in the creation of storytelling pictures. The big success he had with the allegory Hope, gave him the inspiration for 2 other theological virtues: Believe and Love. However, they did not have the same success as with Hope. This version of the painting Hope is exposed in the Tate Gallery in London.

By: Eleonore Oldenburger

Astrology and astronomy in daily practice.

This month, Venus will become visible again, but we should be prepared to wake up early to see it, as Venus will appear before sunrise on the Southeastern sky.

On February 27th we can find her easily (provided a cloudless sky) as the Moon will be on the same position. Also, the planet Mars will be close to Venus, however less clear and as a tiny somewhat red colored point.

About February 16th also Mercury might become visible shortly before sunrise, however it needs ideal and cloudless circumstances. About 7.00 a.m. might be the best time.

Since last years’ December, we have a broad expansion of the new variant of Covid. This is very in line with the transfer of Jupiter to Pisces where Neptune is already present. Fortunately, this took place in Pisces, causing a healing influence.

Mercury turned retrograde on January 14th. This happened on Aquarius 11th degree with the symbolic: “During a silent hour a man receives a new inspiration which may change his life”.

In any case, it brought me information I had been waiting for, for a long time, and I understood I should ban this out of my life to be prepared for a new challenge.

Picture: Explosion vulcan Tonga (source website KNMI)

On January 15th we were struck by the enormous explosion of a vulcan under sea level near Tonga. The energy could be felt in the Netherlands, the wave with changing air pression arrived 15 hours after the eruption. There were also tsunami waves causing victims and disaster in different countries around the Pacific.

Mercury is also considered to be the messenger of the Gods and in this case, it was bringing us a well-known message, but not very well understood: Be careful in your behavior with Mother Earth and act sustainable. Mother Earth will react on everything we do.

Also, the Sun and the Moon as well as the planets Pluto, Venus and Mars were involved in this incident. It took a while before I realized that I had a dream in the night of the eruption.

In this dream I walked around in a desolated landscape with noting but houses in debris and people sitting in shock between the remainders, not aware of my presence.

A few days later I saw pictures from the destructed region looking a lot like the images in my dream.

In January we also had another planet in retrograde motion (between December 19th to January 29th). I have pointed this out a.o. as a period of re-valuation of all forms of value systems.

The values of shares in the stock markets were a clear indicator, with shares going down sharply.

Each of us might have also sensed it in his personal live related to re-valuation of friendships, relations, preferences etc. In our country we had some examples with top-athletes having decided to finalize their careers immediately.

We also had a big scandal coming out related to a tv show where participants turned out to be abused in the past in several ways.

The spiritual meaning of the hummingbird

One of the readers responded on an article in last month’s newsletter.

She made me aware on the card “Hummingbird” from medicinecards and its meaning.

It struck me, so I thought it might be worthwhile for more readers.

Picture: card 44 Hummingbird from Medicinecards

The hummingbird is related to the Ghost Shirt-religion.

According to this religion the animals will return, and white man will disappear when a specific dance is conducted in a “correct” special way. By then the original tribe would re-recognize the ancient principles of life.

In the wisdom of the Maya, the hummingbird is related to the Black Sun and the 5th World. The hummingbird can bring power to solve this enigma of the contradiction in duality.

The song of the hummingbird awakens the flowers with healing power. The hummingbird sings this song with a vibration of pure happiness. Flowers love the hummingbird.

As the hummingbird takes away the nectar, flowers can make seed. Flowers flower and live by the hummingbird.

The hummingbird can fly in every direction: up, down, backward, and forward. The hummingbird can also stand still in the air, giving the impression of immobility. The Big Ghost created the hummingbird with the purpose to make her differ slightly from other feathered creatures.

Hummingbird feathers are used over thousands of years at the preparation of love elixirs.

They possess magic characteristics. It is said that the hummingbird can create love in a way, no other power is able to do and also that hummingbird feathers open the heart.

Without an open and loving heart, you will never be able to taste the full happiness of life.

For brother and sister hummingbird life is a miracle of delight.

They fly from one beautiful flower to the next one, tasting all subtle variations and sensing the vibrations of the many colors.

When the hummingbird is your personal power, you love to live and to swallow the happiness of live. From your presence other people get happy. You bring people together in relations enabling them to bring up the best they can. You instinctively know where you can find beauty and starts your journey to your ideal, no matter whether you should travel for it or not. You help others to this discover and taste the nectar.

Hummingbird possesses the Arc of Beauty, beautiful ornamented with golden and silver flowers, pearls, and precious jewels. Hummingbird despises ugliness and harshness and quickly flees form disharmony and struggle.

When the hummingbird pops-up in your cards, prepare for a musical laugh and to enjoy

the many gifts of the Creator. Get rid of your critical attitude and relax.

The hummingbird will illuminate your ghost and make your thoughts flexible.

Prepare for a strange new explosion of energies, enabling your senses to discover many new experiences. The hummingbird hears the celestial music of the spheres and stays in harmony with its rhythms.

The hummingbird can invite you to visit a museum or a concert. The hummingbird embraces the highest ethics of beauty.

Never be rude in the presence of the hummingbird. It is a fragile power, having difficulties to understand earthly matters.

Spreading beauty around in every meaning is the ultimate goal and task of the hummingbird.

The hummingbird dies when she is caged, prisoned, or isolated from love.

Follow sister hummingbird, helping you to be fulfilled from an immense happiness, and to experience the magic of life.


Medicinecards, The discovery of power through the ways of animals (Jamie Sams and David Carson)

Venus retrogrades, evaluation of values

During last six weeks we have had the opportunity to ask ourselves, what is really of value in our lives?

The 17th card in the tarot “the Star”, represents at the same time “Hope” and “Beauty”, both symbols of Venus and the Star, and a helpful connection between the 2 articles (contributions from Eleonore Oldenburger) in this newsletter.

Venus is in most cases pictured as a beautiful woman, nude, and long waving hair and with a crown a of roses.

Venus is the planet of love and harmony, but also represents a dark side. She is both a foretoken of the light of the day (Lucifer) and the guardian of the night (Vesper).

In ancient Babylon the color and clarity as well as the time when she appeared in the sky considered to be an important astrological token. Moreover, Venus was considered to be androgyne, male in the morning, female in the evening.

This double value also comes from the various spheres of influence of this planet.

Venus in Taurus is related to carnal pleasures, but Venus in Libra refers to arts and beauty.

According to the Neo-Platonists, the soul received at incarnation the skills desire.

In Dante’s cosmology this sphere was supposed the seat of rhetoric, in the meaning of friendship and good governance.

According to Marsilius Ficinus Venus governed the memory and took care the object of knowledge made a beautiful and attractive impression.

Astrologers consider Venus to represent the principles of attraction and fusion, sweetness, delight in life, and sympathy. In the melothesia some transits of Venus were considered to be fatal to health and messages to venereal diseases. Friday’s (Dies Veneris for the Romans) are dedicated to Venus.

Picture: Venus from the tarot of Mantegna.

By: Eleonore Oldenburger


This newsletter is edited monthly by Omegahighlighter and contains different articles and previews based on astronomical occurrences and related energies.

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Jan Weber

Nature isn’t in a hurry,

nevertheless, everything will develop in a perfect balance.

Lao Tse