New Moon on December 5th

On December 5th there will be a New Moon on 13:29 Sagittarius (14th degree).

For people in the Netherlands a welcome coincidence as on this evening we also celebrate “Sinterklaas” a folkloristic event where people receive presents from an old bishop on a white horse and assisted by lots of black servants (Zwarte Pieten). And in addition it is marvelous to know that the New Moon also is a sacred moment where we can pass our most intimate wishes to the stars.

Every New Moon always gives the conjunction between the Sun and the Moon, but this time we also have other significant cosmic signatures.

Also Mercury and Pluto make their conjunction on the 5th degree of Capricorn, Neptune and Chiron make a conjunction on the 27th degree of Aquarius and Jupiter and Uranus make a conjunction on the last degrees of Pisces.

Another significant event is that Uranus turns direct in the night from 5 to 6 December (GMT). Uranus station guarantees unexpected events. Indeed a nice perspective if you know you are allowed to offer your wishes to the cosmos.

The degree of the New Moon (14th degree of Sagittarius) gives another nice archetypical picture according to the astrological mandala form Dane Rudhyar (seed man from the beginning of the previous century).

The symbol is: The great pyramid and the sphinx.

It represents the belief in an Original Tradition based on the perfect knowledge of archetypical principles which underlie all manifestations of life on Earth and in the Cosmos.

And the occult knowledge of the almost divine preservers (the Seed Men).

The great Pyramid and the Sphinx are witnesses of this occult knowledge placed according to cosmic principles. The symbol signifies that archetypical knowledge remains the foundation for the mankind’s consciousness and where from lasting and valid formulations can be established when new developments in evolution are on the advent.

The symbol also indicates that occult knowledge and traditions will be the best means to meet the challenges of the current crisis in the world.

Could there be a more beautiful and fitting opportunity to attune our wishes to.

This week NASA published a breakthrough in our vision on the possible environments for  life to exist and also our universe multiplied in number of stars and red dwarfs indicating a far most bigger possibility of the existence of other forms of life somewhere in our cosmic order.

For people interested in cosmology and Original Tradition and being convinced of a coming and never ending flow of coming new insights the cosmos will bring us these are beautiful presents as such. And possibly there will be more and even bigger surprises the coming month.