Category Archives: Overige

Astrological preview April 2014

April 2014 will be dominated by a Grand Cross with Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter and Mars retrograde as the 4th planet. As Mars is retrograde the energy related to this Grand Cross will mainly be directed internally.

As such this might mean good luck in these roaring times with a lot of threat, when we will manage to use this energy to get deeper insight and understanding that differences should be discussed and solved by rational communication.

On April 1st we could have the tendency to exaggerate, as the Sun makes a square with Jupiter. So try to be somewhat reluctant and not too overwhelming. The next day we could meet unexpected surprises or have to deal with innovative ideas.

The Grand Cross will be in place until the en of may, however related to other geocosmic influences the influence of the energy may change from day tot day. Sometimes it will bring good opportunities, on other days you can meet trouble or bottlenecks. Try to understand the meaning of these events and make changes where necessary in what you try to achieve.

On April 5th Venus makes a transfer to Pisces, this is the beginning of a period where romanticism can come in your daily live. However on April 12th we could lose our view on reality. Especially people who have an important planet on the 7th degree of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius.

On April 7th Mercury changes signs from Pisces to Aries. Our thinking becomes more clear, more rational and quicker.

The period from April 16th is the most important of this month.

Apart from the Grand Cross there will be a “Kite” formed by Jupiter as the apex planet in opposition with Pluto. Together with Venus in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio Jupiter will also form a Grand Trine in water signs, giving a deep emotional feeling and sensitivity. And complete the “Kite”.

Jupiter as the linking pin in this configuration of cosmic relations and enables growth and innovation.

The meaning of the 14th degree of Cancer where Jupiter resides is “fame”. Those born on July 3rd or 4th will truly benefit from this energy, but also people who are born between April 15th and 21st can benefit.

On April 20th the Sun will enter the sign Taurus. We will be more attracted by nature from this day and will like to spend more time outside in a natural surroundings.

On April 21st we will have to deal with the 5th square (out of 7) between Pluto and Uranus.

I have edited a former article on this constellation elsewhere on this site (see august 2011: Radical changes). It will bring innovative energies but also troubles and opposition.

On April 23rd the opposition between Uranus and Mars (retrograde) will be exact. It could easily lead to explosive situations.

The solar eclipse on April 29th on the 9th degree of Taurus asks our attention for Nature as source of all live. This degree is symbolized by the “tree of life”. A solar eclipse also symbolizes a New Moon phase and a beginning of a new monthly stage in our lives. Try to get the inspiration especially related to the value of nature.

Accept what comes on your way and dance on the waves of events striking you, is the message of this degree. Everything that does not fit in your own plan has a special meaning for you. Try to understand the lessons and intertwine them in your life.

Astrological preview for November 2011

As already was the case during the month October, Pluto will continue the trine with Jupiter, enabling new initiatives to remove structural problems in our financial and other systems. Try to stimulate them, we need them and be prepared to leave dishonest systems, favoring a happy few at the cost of earth and mankind, radically behind. The conjunction between Mercury and Venus during the first half of November is becoming exact on November 2nd, shortly after these planets entered Sagittarius. The challenge of this 1st degree of Sagittarius is to discuss in a sphere where communication will be generally peaceful and full of mutual understanding, but focused on the revelation of the essentials.

The first 10 days of November will probably give fair weather. In general the sphere will be nice and warm. On November 9th we can enjoy the fascinating view of the monthly repeating conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter in Taurus, depending on a cloudless sky. This will give whom are sensitive to this a warm earthly atmosphere. This changes on November 11th when the planet Mars enters Virgo. Mars will stay in this sign until the beginning of July 2012, and will be in the biannual retrograde period in this sign. In numerological sense November 11th will also show something remarkable (11-11-11), with many transformative signs. The sphere will appear to become much more critical with an increasing chance for verbal incidents. When the Sun makes a semi square with Pluto the planet of transformation this influence will be even stronger. From that moment we also enter the semi annual eclipse period. On November 25th we have a solar eclipse on 3rd degree of Sagittarius. According to the astrological mandala this degree is the degree of the Sagittarius Grail of philosophy of life. At a low level of cosmic consciousness this can lead to this can degenerate to fierce religious struggles. The message is to learn to stay above this level and to develop a vision of a divine state being the ultimate goal for all kinds of religion and philosophies of life. On November 24th Mercury starts to move retrograde, this time on the 21st degree of Sagittarius, the degree of higher psychic power and wisdom. Let Mercury again be our messenger of the Gods and guide us the way to a true understanding in order to turn the energy of the eclipse in a direction of a true understanding of a harmonic cosmic brotherhood. On November 26th when Venus enters Capricorn the weather will become substantial colder.